Meet the Team: Ole Morten Løver

July 10, 2022

Ole Morten Løver is Vice President of R&D and is located in Kongsberg, Norway.

1. What is your role at Kongsberg PCS?
I am leading the R&D team in Norway. I am also GM for the Kongsberg, Norway location.

2. What does a typical day look like for you?
Lots of meetings. Everything from R&D project or sprint planning to L1 or local leadership meetings to finance meetings to 1:1 with R&D team members.

3. What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
I think the best part is to be able to support and empower my team to be creative, innovative and develop our next generation technology and products.

4. What has been your favorite project at Kongsberg PCS?
There have been many great projects over the years. Mut my favorite project has to be the one we are running right now developing the new platform for the next generation tables. This is a big project. But it is also a super interesting one with great new technology that will lay the foundations for new product developments for years to come.

5. If you could switch your job with anyone else within Kongsberg PCS, whose job would you want?
I must admit that I am very happy where I am. But if I could switch for a day or two I would like to do something very hands on with our machines or systems.

6. How did you get started in the business?
I joined the Kongsberg PCS, then Artios, in 1996 out of University. I joined as an electrical engineer in the R&D department. I liked it so much that I’m still here. 😊

7. How would you describe the company culture at Kongsberg PCS?
I think the company culture at Kongsberg PCS is very good and positive. It’s a fun environment where people support each other in successful collaboration. The communication is transparent. People trust and respect each other. It’s an environment where people like to come to work.

8. What would be your dream job?
Again, I am very happy where I am. But what about test driver for a car racing company? 😊

9. Outside of work, what’s your passion?
I love being outdoors with my family, hiking, biking and skiing. I also love sports, both participating and watching.

10. What is your favourite quote or personal mantra? 
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Bernard M. Baruch

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